Invited speakers  
Tirtharkar Bhattacharyya

Holomorphic Functions on the Symmetrized Bidisk – Realization, Interpolation and Extension

Sergei Chobanyan

Inequalities on Rearrangements of Summands with Applications in a.s. Convergence of Functional Series

  Vakhtang Gogokhia

The Mass Gap and Hagedorn Density of States in QCD at Finite Temperature
Vladimir Goldstein

Composition Operators for Sobolev Spaces and their Applications
Boris Golubov

Multiplicative Fourier Transforms and Convolutions
George Jaiani

On Elastic Multi-Layered Prismatic Structures
Vakhtan Kokilashvili

Boundary Value Problems for Analytic and Generalized Analytic Functions within the Framework of New Function Spaces
Alexander Kvinikhidze

Tools of the Nuclear Eective Field Theory
Mohammad Sal Moslehian

Recent Developments of Grüss Type Inequalities for Positive Linear Maps
Wolfgang Mueller

Reality Viewed through the Eyes of Continuum Mechanics
Danila Prikazchikov

Surface and Edge Waves of General Time-dependence
Sergej Rjasanow

Boundary Element Methods with Radial Basis Functions
Boris Semenov

Kolosov-Muskhelishvili’s Method in Problems of Fracture and Buckling of Thin Planes with Defects
Armen Sergeev
Vice President of the European Mathematical Society

Sobolev space of half-differentiable functions and Quasisymmetric homeomorphisms
  Wojciech Sulisz

On the formation of freak waves