26th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications

Abstract submission

Abstract for the book of abstracts should be prepared in LaTex format and does not exceed one page.
You may make use of commands from the packages amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb. Do not use, please, any nonstandard LaTeX package or idiosyncratic input files.
If you want to include graphics, please use image files in pdf or eps formats, and also send us the necessary files.
If there are two or more co-authors, do not forget to indicate the speaker by underlining him. Alternatively, you can mention your co-authors at the end of the abstract.
If you need to use references, please do not use "the bibliography" and do not use your bibtex file, but make an itemized list as the one below.
When submitting your abstract, please rename it as: Lastname_Firstname.tex and send us both a tex file and a pdf file.
Submit the abstracts by:
1.  uploading from the Conference WEB page "Registration" (preferable);
2. sending to the E-mail addresses:
                    iwota.tbilisi@gmail.com or iwota.tbilisi@gmu.ge
The deadline for an abstract submission: May 1, 2015.
You will be notified about acceptance of your oral or poster presentation by May 15, 2015.
Caution: the abstracts prepared not to according the guidelines above will be returned to the authors for modification.

We have prepared the preliminary version of the book of abstracts of the conference.
You can download it from this link and send us your corrections.

Download abstract template files

Abstr_Template_IWOTA.tex   Abstr_Template_IWOTA.pdf

Download Book of  Abstract's cover