26th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications

International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, IWOTA 2015
Tbilisi, Georgia, July 6 to 10, 2015

We have prepared the preliminary version of the book of abstracts of the conference.
You can download it from this link and send us
your corrections.

Download Book of Abstract's cover

 Third Announcement

Accommodation: We have negotiated with two hotel managements in Tbilisi
1. Hotel Irmeni http://www.irmeni.ge/
2. Tbilhotel http://tbilotel.ge/
and have reserved certain amount of rooms. Prices are as follows:
Single room 50-55 USD/night
Twin room 60 -65 USD/nigh
Comfort room (twin) 70-75 USD/night  (restricted amount)
If you want to book hotel through organizers notify us which room you choose, and if we confiirm the reservation, transfer the appropriate amount of money to our bank account until May 15 (you can combine fee and hotel payment in one transfer). We will close this bid as soon as all reserved rooms are booked out.
Rooms for invited and plenary speakers are reserved automatically and they only need to confirm their travel dates. For these category we reserve single rooms. If they travel with partners, they schould notify us to reserve twin room.
Rooms for early carrier invited participants, which will be selected by a comission: are reserved automatically 1 bed in a twin room; They need to choose the roommate and confirm their travel dates. If they want to upgrade to a single room or share room with their accompanying person, they have to notify us prior and pay for another half 30 USD/night.
Optional: You can look for hotels on WEB http://www.booking.com/ where you find hundreds of different hotels and hostels with prices ranging from 5 USD bed/night to several hundred USD. We recommend following hotels which are close to conference cites.

Tbilisi Meriott Hotel http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/tbsmc-tbilisi-marriott-hotel
Radisson Blue Iveria http://www.radissonblu.com/hotel-tbilisi
Hotel Vere Palace http://www.verepalace.com.ge
Hotel Primavera http://www.primavera.ge
Hotel Betcy http://www.betsyshotel.com
Hotel Iliani http://iliani.com/en/#
Hotel Argo Palace http://www.booking.com/Argo-Palace
Lucky Hotel http://www.booking.com
Hotel Orien http://www.booking.com

You can also find a private apartment to rent on the WEB https://www.airbnb.com/  Most hotels reserve places through WEB without prepayment.
For those who paritcipate in VI International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union in Batumi, July 11-July 16. We have restricted amount of twin rooms for 30 USD with breakfast in Gonio. If you wish we reserve places, notify us and if we confiirm the reservation, transfer the appropriate amount of money to our bank account until May 15. The option is to book rooms through booking.com. We can also help you to reserve rooms in Batumi, downtown, Hotels “Alik” for 90 USD and “Prestige” for 60 USD. Contact us for details.
May 15, 2015: for booking hotel through organizers and money transfer for hotel.
Organizing Committee

 Download the First Announcement          Download the Second Announcement          Download the Third Announcement

Organizer: Georgian Mathematical Union
Co-Organizers: Georgian National Academy of Sciences  
  Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University  
Sponsors: International Mathematical Union, Committee for Developing Countries
Stichting Advancement of Mathematics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands